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  • #14404 Likes: 0
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    On area which is already loaded I dont have the drop down menu to change the area. If i want to change it I need to split the area, the new one that is created has that little “change area” button.

    Its annoying having to create a split, join it to the main one everytime i want to switch between image editor and 3d viewer.

    Is there not a way to do this without making a split?

    #19014 Likes: 0
    • Posts 4,699

    Hi Olliemorgan,

    We have hidden away the editor type menu to switch to other editor types since it steals UI space. But you can make it visible again. Right click at the header, untick “Hide Editortype Menu”, and the menu to switch to other editor types will reappear. Be cahreful here not to kill the layouts. ALL changes at the layouts will be saved.

    To make this change permanent, save the startup file. Then the editor type menu will stay visible the next time you load Bforartists.

    Hope that helps :)

    Just curious, why do you want to split the windows all the time? There is the UV layout that contains both, UV Image editor and 3D view.

    #25808 Likes: 1
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    !!! Finally !!!

    Took a year to find this! Holy smokes what a utterly massive impact, seriously cannot overstate the problem the default of hiding the editor type was having.

    I created an account for the express purpose of documenting on this specific thread for anyone else looking for a fix. This is a complete fix to the default “hide editor type” setting. As stated you go one by one through all layouts, enable the editor type button, then once you feel all your layouts are conforming to you production default needs save as the factory defaults. On next load for all editors you’ve enabled editor type selection you’ll see the drop down button for it.

    Problem solved!

    Some background on the problem;

    For hobbyist or casual use, or for those new to 3d, the concept of layout spaces and focused work context is very helpful as guiding guardrails to make sense of working in a 3d universe, it helps to orient the innumerable contexts a user has to operate in. The amount of distracting under the hood complexity going on in a 3d scene which can easily be meandered into by adding new windows and editors all over the place can be bewildering and frustrating. In short the user friendly sandbox concept of being in a specific layout workspace for a specific part of the workflow is both helpful and through practice make a 3d artist be a better artist by enforcing good habits. So it makes sense to obscure the path to revealing editors which quickly results in a rats nets of a chaotic layout.

    However having said that the problem starts when you using BFA for technical direction/simulation/coding/advanced rigging

    These are very advanced and complex workflows. Specifically as it relates to the editor type the issue props up frequently ( extremely frequently! ) when working in any arbitrary layout in any of the arbitrary contexts, ( uv mapping, animation, model etc ) It is often the case that while working in one context the TD will need access to related/parallel data about an object, often animation ie. over time, from completely different contexts in ways that don’t fit the idea of a workspace with one focus. A common example for instance is an animated texture or composite output that ties to animation, you’re often in shader layout, but you need a way to scrub animation, or even see keyframes without leaving the shading preview viewport by going to a different layout.

    Examples like this happen a lot !! Imagine evetime having to either drag in a new window, adjust window to fit, then change it to the editor you need, then having to use blenders janky remove pane function and resize and fix your windows or if you want to stay with windows in place as is, having to click on the editor to unhide the editor type, then select your editor. Then having to do this with every new program launch. Huge pointless clicking. And often surprise, as creating a new window editor types are enabled, in the middle of work you constantly run into mystery of “hey why can’t I change this particular editor? Oh right,… cause its one of the default editors for this layout”, then repeating the above steps evetime.

    In short, from the pov of using BFA more for heavy lifting technical production, while layouts are a great concept and practice, advanced users need a way of temporarily, quickly, which minimal obstruction or surprises, be able to change editor types as needed on the fly, while still retaining the core philosophy of working in layout contexts for the most part.

    Ideally revealing a default to the hide editor type in preferences for advanced users would be great ( hide on by default ) Otherwise this workflow of setting layout defaults also works.

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    #25809 Likes: 0
    • Posts 729

    I am glad that you found your solution 🙂

    I know it can be one of the oddities when you come from Blender. But for me showing the editor type menu is something for advanced users. And you can adjust it once you know how.

    It is just something that i don’t really recommend for beginners. Dragging around and changing around the editor types was one of the things that once heavily distracted me from Blender. Working this way can have its advantages, no question. But most of the time it is much more productive not to change editors around all the time.

    We have in the cases where it makes sense added quick switch buttons. For the four animation editors for example.

    Kind regards


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