Unleash the power of 3D
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I guess you’d need to discuess your ideas. The BFA UI has a lot of Icons already built in, and some of them can be scaled to large proportions.  Making things a bit more touch friendly is a doable thing – but that would posisbly and also mean more control to gestures and making things larger to touch elsewhere, principally no? Touch friendly sliders? Were you also refering to minimalizing function? 

There is a way to make templates with certain presets/shortcuts/addons and layout setup that could be played with. The toolbar addon icons is header based, unfortunately that can’t be scaled, but the GUI can be scaled. Worth playing around with some ideas to implement, like….maybe template with GUI double size and rescale Properties View to be nice? More icons/sliders? Scale UI? NDOF event and gesture TWEAK event hotkeys? 

How would you make things a bit more touch friendly?

Concerning third party sponsoring, I think it’s mentioned in the terms and some forum threads that third party funding to sponsor BFA development is allowed, but won’t be nor will go through nor to the BFA development directly, as it will never be a financial institute, either foundation nor business – but an opensource software – meaning any funds with change of hands with/for developers with an agenda can and will only be done through a third party or third party campaign that can indirectly sponsor and integrate into the development of Bforartists and the tasks in the development area. So nothing really is stopping you from creating a case to develop something that might get included into official BFA releases of off the sourcecode – if it’s in the general direction of the system/source – which is essentially built off Blender (to get all the improvements they do). 

And yes, as Reiner suggested, maybe looking into Blender 101 might be a good idea, and BFA might need/integrate your ideas as to make that system a bit..infinately better itself – when they release it – and thus Bforartits 101 would have your ideas integrated into it and you could technically fund/train/develop that as a third party to sponsor that area of BFA. Creating preliminary feature requests with reasons or plan might be nice.  

Blender/Bforartists is a profound software that is hard to minimalize and still keep 100% all function, so understanding what a touch UI might be good for and then work on finding a way to optimize/work on that with the current setup or build up from it might work. Maybe it might just work fixing current issues like multifinger issues. There are templates that could be included on the default, there are icons you can work with, there is an ability to experiment on gesture based workflows, develop custom gesture based pie menus, custom touch UI that overlay on BFA’s UI core, or even create a new touch toolbar for certain things such as an an addon/template. 

I’m.. busy working on merging hotkeys from Blender between a myriad of projects for my clients, but discussion and dreaming/planning can be done for free – let’s hear your ideas. wink

You never know, maybe a task can be created to incoporate the beginnings of what you think is UI friendly for that – if possible to do. Or feel free to work with the team on things, help for code, how BFA is compiled, how to do things, how to setup feature requests or tasks, etc.

Just glad you’re wanting to get some idea out for education and easing adaptation and learning quickly.

