Blender has released a new version. And so do we.
Version 4.3.2 is a hotfix and cumulative stability release with 37 bug fixes, features and updates – including a few critical showstopper bugs. New is a Horizontal walk navigation lock, and a smarter Smart delete in Mesh Edit mode It removes isolated geometry now too.
- Horizontal walk navigation lock
- Smarter Smart delete in Mesh Edit mode (removes isolated geometry now)
- General maintenance, details, tooltips and refinement to everything new coming in from Blender
Downloads available from both Github, the official Website, Windows store and Blender Launcher v2
Release notes
Splashscreen is kindly provided by Ethan Avila, an honorable runner up up of the last Splashscreen competition hosted in the Discord server.
Thanks again for all your artwork, feedback and love! And a very special thanks to the community and developers for working this project.
Draise, Reiner, Blenux (Juso), Eyad, Znight (Trung Pham), Quackers, Sean and all you arty supporters